Saturday, August 2, 2008

Call Center Tender - Inbound Call Center Services

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Projects Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 18509154

Category : Call Center

Title : Inbound Call Center Services

Estimated Budget : Need Best Proposals

Total Requirement : Contract for 3 years

Description :

We are India based organization. We are looking for reputed and experienced firms (From India Only) to manage our existing call center for the period of 3 years. Our Inbound section handles three types of calls like inquires, complaints, requests & actionable. The customers have to be serviced in two primary language English & Hindi. Currently we are receiving approx 3500 calls per day. We have estimated 20000 calls in a day with 10% of the total calls in any one hour.

Scope of work:
  1. Up gradation of existing call centre
  2. Call centre inbound activities

    The existing call centre set up is based on the Nortel (Business Communication Centre) BCM400; detail is mentioned in the document.
Scope of work includes:
  1. Supply of agents and supervisors machines with the required infrastructure like power, seating space, AC etc.
  2. Supply, installation and maintenance of the required switch, router and cabling etc.
  3. To supply manpower including agents, trainer, managers and supervisors as per the requirement.
  4. Call Centre would be a 24X7, 365/366 days a year operations.
  5. Executives will be required to undergo ad hoc refresher trainings on new Products & System solutions.
  6. The induction training would be for a tentative period of 7-10 days. An OJT (On the Job Training) would follow the induction training. The tenure of the OJT would be approximately 7-10 days.
  7. Service Partner will require providing remote monitoring phone access for random Service quality audit by the client.
  8. Service Provider will have relevant infrastructure in place to facilitate call recording & live call barge-ins etc.
  9. The Service Provider would require to meet an uptime SLA of 99.9% for all technical hardware equipments facilitating connectivity with appropriate redundancy.
  10. The ACD system shall generate various statistical reports (hourly, daily, monthly), based on Call completion of agent position/groups.
The payments will be made in 3 equal installments the end of first, second and third year of successful operation. Interested providers are requested to submit their proposal on or before 29.08.2008 up to 15:00 Hrs. EMD (Refundable) is required. For more information please refer the tender document.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

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