Thursday, October 16, 2008

Call centre customers irritated by over-familiar American-style chat

Call centre staff irritate customers because of the over-familiar, American-style chat that they are trained to use, according to a worldwide study.

Kristina Hultgren, of Oxford University's English Faculty, researched the language call centre agents are trained to use with customers and soon spotted why problems arise.

One area of the study examined why call centre staff are often accused of being over-familiar - repeatedly using customers' first names and trying to engage in inane small talk.

The reason for this, according to the study, is because they are asked, irrespective of the country they are in, to use American-style pleasantries with customers.

The communication style taught is based on "a North American style of familiarity, which may not be accepted in the countries to which it is exported", said Dr Hultgren, who examined call centres in Britain, Denmark, Hong Kong and the Philippines.

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