Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How Unified Communications Benefits the Call Center

Unified communications, when utilized in the contact center, leads to better and faster customer service; a more satisfying and seamless customer experience; better utilization of business processes; a greater likelihood of first-call resolution; and more efficient usage of a company's human capital (no more wasted hours of "phone tag," for starters).

The concept of "presence," which is central to unified communications , is not new to the call center, of course. In days past, it was referred to as "agent state." Because of this, one might reasonably say that a rudimentary form of unified communications was actually born in the call center.

Today's UC technologies, however, have the potential to turn the whole concept of "call center" on its ear. As many companies are pulling away from the concept of one large call center facility -- either out of necessity or choice -- many are turning to unified communications to build a call center entity that looks very different than it did just a few years ago. In the simplest explanation possible for what is a notoriously complex and often poorly defined subject, unified communications is the successful blending (or "convergence") of all communications media, methods and devices into one interconnected entity, if you will, that breaks away all barriers to communication within an enterprise.

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