Thursday, November 13, 2008

Call Center Tender - Public Opinion and Client Satisfaction Survey Processes

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Projects Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 17691106

Category : Call Center

Title : Public Opinion and Client Satisfaction Survey Processes

Estimated Budget : Request for Proposal

Total Requirement : Contract for 2 Years

Description :

We are Canada based organization. We require public opinion and client satisfaction surveys to be conducted annually. The scope of requirements includes conducting telephone and, potentially, World Wide Web (Web) based surveys, compiling the data, analysing and reporting the results, and providing related advice to us as required. The primary objective is to enter into a two-year contract with a qualified, knowledgeable and experienced provider to efficiently and effectively provide the Services specified below. Last year, approximately 4,000 people were surveyed; the survey instrument was approximately 40 questions in length; however, we are increasing the survey length to approximately 60 questions for the 2009 survey. Each survey should take approximately 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

Scope of services :

  1. Review current telephone survey questionnaires and provide professional expertise and resources required to adapt each questionnaire.
  2. Design and development of a Web based survey.
  3. Conduct and administration of 4 surveys per year.
  4. Conduct telephone and web based surveys.
  5. Compile, clean, validate and summarize data.
  6. Provide draft and final written analysis reports.
Payment terms are set in the tender document and will be on monthly basis. Interested providers are requested to send their proposal with all the necessary details on or before November 21, 2008 via post or courier only. This tender is global and offsite. It is expected that onsite collaboration will be required to develop the web based questionnaire. Providers are requested to refer the tender document carefully before applying. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : Canada

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