Sunday, November 9, 2008

Call centre executive takes revenge on British customer

LONDON: A customer of a British bank has claimed that a worker of the bank's call centre in India meddled with his account and changed his identity to that of a Ugandan divorcee 10 years his senior. Reason: The customer gave the call centre executive a low performance rating.

George Bates of Bristol told the Daily Mail that he had called the call centre to clarify a doubt and that the man at the other end was "unhelpful".

In the end, Bates decided to answer an automated response survey. He said the worker wanted him to give the maximum marks for the question on customer satisfaction. Instead Bates gave the least possible marks for that question.

He said the operator had a strong Asian accent and had been "really unhelpful, rude, arrogant and very pushy and then he had the cheek to pester me to give him a good rating".

The next day, Bates said could not access his account while an ATM machine swallowed his debit card. When he went to Abbey Bank's branch, he was shocked to know his identity had been changed to that of a Ugandan divorce 10 years his senior.

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