Thursday, April 2, 2009

Convergys opens 3 new call centers in Philippines, targets 20,000 employees by year-end

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A U.S.-based call center company opened three additional facilities in the Philippines Thursday and plans to employ 4,000 more workers by the end of this year, its top official said.

Dave Dougherty, president and chief executive of Cincinnati, Ohio-based Convergys Corp., joined Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and other officials in ceremonies to inaugurate a new call center Thursday in a technology park in Laguna province near Manila.

Convergys opened another call center in suburban Quezon city and a third in Cebu city in the central Philippines also on Thursday.

Dougherty said two more call centers are under construction in the country and the company "continues to see growth and development" despite a slowing economy.

He said that Convergys already employs over 16,000 people in 12 call centers in the Philippines — including the three facilities just opened — only five years after starting operations. The company's workforce will reach 20,000 by the end of the year, he added.

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