Friday, June 27, 2008

Hacking the Call Center

PCI, breach fears shine light on dark corners of call center insecurity .

Hold the phone: Your call center handles sensitive data, too.

The contact center mostly has been forgotten as a potential point of breach -- even though customer service representatives take credit card numbers and outsourced help desk workers have access to your databases.

That all soon could change. The Payment Card Initiative (PCI), for instance, also applies to call centers that handle credit card data, so PCI is driving a new generation of security tools that encrypt voice call recordings of phone transactions. RSA’s encryption technology, for instance, is now used to encrypt audio recordings handled by call center software vendor Verint Witness Actionable Solutions’s call recording applications.

Even so, not all call centers are tuned into PCI, especially the smaller organizations. “We still find a real lack of awareness in the contact center community about PCI,” says Kristyn Emenecker, director of solutions marketing for Verint, who says it's mostly the company’s largest call center customers that have been asking about PCI so far.

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