Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Call Center Bringing 900+ Jobs to North Carolina

Covation LLC, a customer support provider for business telecommunications services, will invest $5.5 million to open a customer call center in Hickory, North Carolina, according to the North Carolina governor’s office.

The project is expected to create more than 900 jobs over the next three years, at an average annual salary of $34,500 plus benefits. “We are delighted with the support of both state and local officials to bring this large employment opportunity to Hickory,” says Joseph J. Sanders, a Covation LLC vice president. “We look forward to being an active member of the business community for many years to come.” Incentives offered to the Georgia-headquartered company include a $600,000 grant from the state that is contingent on job creation goals; local incentives will match that figure.

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