Thursday, July 19, 2007

Call Centers Prefer Women as Agents?Why?

Does this signal women empowerment or gender versatility in the modern day business? Men are known to be the dominant ones when it comes to the working industry especially when it comes to working over night.But recent statistics show that 95 percent of workers or employees in particular companies are women. Yes, women who happens to be the ones doing most of the household chores. It is practically a way of showing gender versatility that men are not the only ones who can do the opposite responsibility but women as well are capable of doing heavy tasks like sitting while talking over night over the phone dealing with different kinds of people for sales purposes or for help or assistance services. As well, women dominated over men when it comes to the top manager level, 6 to 4. A certain company's job market advertisement for customer servive representatives caught the attention of a number of applicants everyday.

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