Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Call Center Tender - Help Line Services

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Projects Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 61002476

Category : Call Center

Title : Help Line Services

Estimated Budget :Need best proposals

Total Requirement : Contract For 5yrs.

Description :

We are contracting authority based in United Kingdom. We are Animal Welfare department looking for some good call center providers for our requirement of Helpline Service. We have a Help Line no. which is toll free for our customer contact services for our customers associated with the farming and animal communities.

Overview of our requirements:
  1. A General Helpline providing telephone responses to 350 calls per day on a wide range of topics between 8am-6pm Monday - Friday excluding bank holidays. There may be an additional requirement to provide email responses to 200 emails per day on a wide range of topics between 8am-6pm Monday - Friday excluding Bank Holidays.

  2. A Pets Helpline providing telephone responses to 175 calls per day on a range of topics related to Pets and Pets Travel between 8am-6pm Monday – Friday excluding bank holidays. There may be an additional requirement to provide email responses to 100 emails per day on a range of topics related Pets and Pets Travel between 8am-6pm Monday – Friday excluding bank holidays.

  3. A Wild Bird Surveillance/Avian Influenza Helpline providing telephone responses to 75 calls per day. The primary function of helpline is to log reports of dead wild bird findings, answer general inquiries and provide guidance on issues. Call operators, using clearly defined criteria provided by us, select dead bird reports and forward to the current collection agency. In a non-emergency situation, the helpline will operate between 8am-6pm Monday – Friday excluding bank holidays.

  4. An Animal Disease Emergency Helpline providing telephone advice, guidance, reassurance and support to callers in the event of an outbreak of Avian Influenza or one of the other notifiable Animal Diseases. The Helpline needs to be able to ramp-up to deal with up to 60 simultaneous calls within a period of 4 hours from notification and between 6am – 10pm, 7 days a week. There may be an additional requirement to provide email advice, guidance, reassurance and support to callers in the event of an outbreak of Avian Influenza or one of the other notifiable Animal Diseases. The Helpline needs to be able to ramp-up to deal with up to 1000 emails a day within a period of 4 hours from notification and between 6am – 10pm, 7 days a week.

  5. A Helpline Out of Hours Service providing additional support to us (if required) during the course of an emergency situation.
Record Keeping
  1. Call recording and brief data input for all telephone help lines. A unique call reference number and agent identifier should be available for all contacts.

  2. Copies of emails received and their responses for all email help lines. A unique reference number and agent identifier should be available for all contacts.

  3. An audit trail is required for each transaction the date and time of the transaction, what the inquiry was, what the response was, and who dealt with it. A Call Reference number needs to be provided to every caller and an agent identifier should be available for all transactions.
Interested companies are requested to send their responses on or before Monday 17th March, 2008 by 12:00 noon. Interested companies are requested to fill up the questionnaires and send that to the address given in the document. All enquires relating to completion of responses should be addressed to the given e-mail no later than 12th March, 2008. All the terms and conditions will be set with the successful companies who will be invited to give their proposals. So, send your responses before the deadline. For more details have a look on the attachment.

Country : United Kingdom

Status : Closed

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