Friday, September 26, 2008

Stressful and abusive lives of telemarketers

You are taking a nap or are in the middle of a meeting or enjoying a quiet lunch or desperately looking for change to pay the cabbie. Your mobile rings. "We would like to offer you a lifetime-free credit card...," says a tentative voice on the other end.

Depending on your personality and the time of day, you may use a four-letter word, dangerously lower your voice, make some sarcastic Smart Alecy observations about the caller's rehearsed language, or politely tell him off. You go back to your life after grumbling about the failure of the National Do-Not-Call registry.

The telemarketer has no choice but to shrug off the slamming and move on to his next call. There are targets to be met, a job to be done.

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