Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mobility, faster call handling goal of cutting-edge call centers

Innovations in presence, service-oriented architecture and mobility are what the most aggressive users of IP contact centers are looking for, according to a Gartner report. (Learn more about IP contact centers.)

With these tools, cutting-edge businesses hope to improve routing of calls through their centers so they are handled quickly by the appropriate agents who are equipped with comprehensive knowledge about the caller, Gartner says in its "Magic Quadrant for Contact Center Infrastructure, Worldwide" report. The goal -- faster call resolution times.

For example, SIP-based call center platforms, which all the major vendors embrace, could tap into presence information to find the most appropriate available call agent and integrate that data with customer relationship management (CRM) applications to provide the agent with comprehensive caller information. The system could use mobility clients as well to tap nontraditional agents such as workers at home or traveling to handle calls that require particular expertise.

Or the CRM data could be used to determine whether callers should be placed in a faster queue or moved to the front of the line based on the level of service they've contracted for and their and calling history.

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