Friday, November 27, 2009

A Better Answer Recognized for Call Center Excellence

The 2009 Award of Excellence from the Association of TeleServices International has been awarded to A Better Answer Call Centers in Plano, Texas. This is the eleventh year in a row that a Better Answer has been honored with this achievement. The company’s regional office in Houston has also been given the same award for the sixth consecutive year.

ATSI (Association of TeleServices International) is the industry trade association for companies that provide call center and telecommunication services. This association selects award winners after six months of intensive testing, which includes an impartial panel of judges who score call centers based on their response time, courtesy, accuracy and overall quality of services.

"We're obviously thrilled to win this award," says Dee Hawkins of A Better Answer, in a statement. "And the fact that all three of our regional centers were recognized is really wonderful. It means a lot for us to receive this award from an organization as prestigious and as widely recognized at ATSI, so we will certainly treasure this and make it a goal to win it again next year."

Extensive internal and organizational improvements have been made by A Better Answer as the company aims to expand its operation to meet increasing demand for its services. As more and more businesses are seeking to cut costs by outsourcing their call centers, A Better Answer has proven to be an attractive option.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its a good news that the Association of teleServices International has been awarded to A Better Answer call center in Plano.

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