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Projects Details:
Type : Project
Id : 11832494
Category : Call Center,
Title : UK Secured Loan, IVA Leads, Debt Management Process
Estimated Budget : 35 GBP Per Lead
Total Requirement : Center with any number of Seats
We are India based looking to outsource our call center requirement of UK Secured Loans/Re-Mortgage, IVA Leads, Debt Management. The requirement is of center with any number of seats which can dial in UK during normal business hours. The center has to arrange their own leads and we will provide the training material. The payout will be 35 GBP per confirmed lead which will be paid on weekly basis. We require minimum 5 leads per day for each call center but if center generates more than 20 Leads per day we will pay two times in week. Lead delivery and confirmation will be via our CRM and center can keep check on their performance through this CRM. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their proposals.
Status : Closed