Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Call Center Tender - Market Research and Telephonic Survey Service

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Projects Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 19460860

Category : Call Center,Data Research and Analytics

Title : Market Research and Telephonic Survey Service

Estimated Budget : 2,00,000 GBP

Description :

A UK based contracting authority is seeking tenders for the provision of telephonic survey process by way of quantitative market research. The framework would aim in concept of the choice and value to all gas and electricity customers by promoting competition and regulating monopolies. The requirements are broken down into the following lots:

LOT 1: Quantitative market research: telephone, and on-line surveys amongst domestic and business customers. Including, but not limited to, customer satisfaction, market segmentation and trade-off analysis.

LOT 2: Qualitative market research including, but not limited to, focus groups, depth interviews and mystery shopping.

LOT 3: Deliberative research with customers and expert audiences. Including, but not limited to, deliberative workshops, reconvened groups, qualitative panels, trade-off analysis, interactive voting. The Framework will be on a call off basis and the work would be under each lot basis.

The contract will be of 4 years and the closing date of the contract is 15/4/2008 so interested companies are requested to send their proposal before the deadline. For more details and better understanding do refer to the terms and conditions attached in the Doc file.

Country : United Kingdom

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

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1 comment:

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