Monday, June 23, 2008

Multi-Tasking Ability Essential for Contact Center Agents

There is a common belief that women are multi-taskers, while men tend to focus on one task at a time. While this ability could be gender based, it is more likely to vary by the individual. In the contact center industry, the ability to multi-task is essential to agent performance and ultimately success. In fact, it can even help to reduce turnover and improve job performance.

Without the ability to multi-task, new hires to the position of contact center agent can quickly find their jobs to be overwhelming. It can cause struggles in training and performance, leading to frustration and possibly even agent churn. The contact center’s ability to measure whether or not a job candidate can effectively multi-task can help to drive efficiency, reduce turnover and improve hew hire job performance.

Multi-tasking in the contact center is the ability of the agent to process information quickly and manage several tasks simultaneously. Such ability is important in the contact center as agents work on a number of tasks at the same time and face a greater frequency of task switching. Complex CRM systems also require multi-tasking in order to effectively manage customer information during and after the interaction.

Multi-tasking is directly related to the contact center’s performance as it directly influences first call resolution, sales performance and call control metrics. It is considered a foundation competency as it influences the ability of the front line representative to incorporate other critical abilities and behaviors during a call.

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