Thursday, March 5, 2009

'Call centre jobs under threat'

One hundred jobs are at risk at a Belfast call centre, a union has claimed.

Unite say that the jobs are under threat at Capita after Prudential did not renew a contract with the company.

"The announcement affects 102 Capita staff of the 250 employed in Beacon House." according to a statement from Capita.

"We are today entering into a consultation with staff to consider next steps."

The statement continued: "While we could never rule out redundancies entirely, Capita is currently putting no roles at risk among the 102 sales staff in Belfast.

"Capita has a number of potential business opportunities which would create work that could be delivered from Belfast.

"We hope to keep the Belfast site and find more work to bring into Beacon House to replace the work we did for Prudential in the first instance, and then to fill the rest of the building."

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