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Tender Details:
Type : Project
Id : 20230139
Category : Call Center
Title : Credit Repair Lead Generation Process
Estimated Budget : 10 USD per Closed lead
Status : Closed
Posted by
Call Center Services
10:31 PM
Labels: Call Center Outsourcing, Call Center Projects, Outsourcing Call Center Project
Posted by
Call Center Services
10:27 PM
Labels: Call Center Services, Call Center Tender, Outbound call center, Outbound Call Center Tender
In any contact center, an agent’s ability to help as many customers is not only measured by their performance, but also by the software they use to complete the task. Most contact center managers know that in the end, the software that is used in the center is usually the weighing factor when it comes to overall productivity.
According to Contactual (News - Alert) officials, because of the technological advancements the company has built in to its OnDemand contact center software and the redundancy its incorporated into their state-of-the-art data centers, the company is able to provide 99.99 plus percent agent availability.
“This amount of availability equates to less than five minutes of unplanned downtime per month, so you can rest assured that customers will be able to reach your agents just about any time they call, day or night,” company officials said.
According to a recent study by J.D. Power and Associates average contact center hold times now average 5.55 minutes, compared with 6.58 minutes in February 2009.
"Satisfaction improves considerably when customers spend less time on hold and more time addressing their problems and inquiries with a customer service representative," said KirkParsons ( News - Alert), senior director of wireless services at J.D. Power and Associates. "In order to sustain and improve these levels of satisfaction, carriers must ensure the usefulness of their customer support systems…this includes effectively answering customer inquiries and accurately identifying those customers who need to speak directly with a representative, based on the type and severity of the problem they are trying to resolve."
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Call Center Services
9:09 PM
Labels: Contact Center Software
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Call Center Services
10:04 PM
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Call Center Services
10:00 PM
Labels: Call Center Services, Call Center Tender, Outbound call center, Outbound Call Center Tender
As customer service representatives are the key strength for any successful organization, and keep you connect with your potential customers. So customer care executives should have excellent verbal and interpersonal skills, including being receptive to other's views and opinions.
In the recent time, it can be difficult to provide excellent customer service for each of the calls, especially when they have to deal with angry customers who might had to wait on hold for an hour or more before they even reach you. Often, the customer care executives will only have to answer the phone to listen to an immediate escalation of a customer angry voice.
Its very tempting to put on the defensive, it's much better to let the customer continues to say what I mean. Angry customers who feel as if they were really being listened cooled off faster than customers who think that the customer care representative is not really concerned about their needs.
Customers who are angry are going to blame anyone for the problem they have, do not take it personally, instead, ensure them that their struggle has been ended now and issues will be resolved at the earliest. It is the responsibility of customer care representatives to make their customers happy and satisfied before hang up the phone.
It is important to realize that the customer believes s\he is talking to the particular company. they are unaware or not interested that they are talking with a very good lady named Gelsey or some one else who has her own family problems. All they know is that they have a problem and you caused it, that's why want to know what to do about it from your end. And this is you responsibilities to resolve all their issues till hang up the phone.. All customers don't h same type of attitude, many customers are very nice and just have a question about your service.
The key, however to provide best customer service, in spite of the situation is completely focused on the customer who is talking. Customer Service Representative is the key person who represent the image of any organization, and help the company to make a faith in the eyes of your business assets i.e Customers. If a customer has angered hard before, you should be able to let go of the anger before speaking to the next customer or notice through the call.
Posted by
Call Center Services
8:21 PM
Labels: Call Center Customers, Call Center India, Call Center Services, Customer Service Center, Customer Support Services
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Call Center Services
10:29 PM
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Call Center Services
10:25 PM
Labels: Call Center Services, Call Center Tender, Outbound call center, Outbound Call Center Tender
Company adding 100 positions here as that job sector continues to grow
About 100 call-center jobs are coming to Columbus, adding to the region's solid base in that market sector.
"We're adding the jobs in the next two months," said iQor Inc. spokesman Robert Burke. Starting pay will top out at $13 an hour, plus bonuses.
The New York-based company has a call-center facility on the Northeast Side with about 800 employees.
The company has almost 11,000 employees worldwide, including 6,000 in several U.S. locations, and provides customer-service and -retention operations, as well as collection services, to a wide range of businesses.
Burke said confidentiality agreements prevent him from naming clients.
"For us, it's all about people," he said of the decision to expand the local center. "We go where the people are, and we've always found the labor force (in central Ohio) to be highly skilled and have a great work ethic."
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Posted by
Call Center Services
8:59 PM
Labels: Call Center Business, Call Center Jobs
Posted by
Call Center Services
3:52 AM
Labels: Call Center Outsourcing, Call Center Projects, Outsourcing Call Center Project
Posted by
Call Center Services
3:48 AM
Labels: Call Center Services, Call Center Tender, Outbound call center, Outbound Call Center Tender
Nowadays its very challenging for any call center to fulfill all aspects of customers and their requirement instantly. The expectation of the customers is much more and all customer want the complete satisfaction of their queries instantly. Call center whoever fails to provide such kind of response, have to pay a brutal price: dissatisfied customers, negative word of mouth and defections to competitors. However, those who stay ahead of the curve strongly enjoy customer loyalty and the commensurate benefits.
Find some basic customer expectations provided in the below key points. For better and long lasting interaction with the customers you must be aware about following given points:
Posted by
Call Center Services
2:25 AM
Labels: Call Center Services
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Call Center Services
11:45 PM
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Call Center Services
11:36 PM
Labels: Call Center Services, Call Center Tender, Outbound call center, Outbound Call Center Tender
To reduce costs and delver employees the benefits of working from home, a virtual call center could prove to be the best solution. It has been said that employees who work from home not only are happier but also save money expenses such as transportation and the upkeep of their car.
San Carlos, Calif.-based Contactual (News - Alert) offers a virtual call center solution that ties together all customer communication channels, such as phone, e-mail, Web chat and voicemail, and provides a variety of metrics and productivity tools.
Officials say dozens of Fortune 500 companies selected Contactual OnDemand virtual call center software over the traditional on-premise providers because of the benefits of a fully featured call center application.
“Contactual’s OnDemand virtual call center software is the most innovative and flexible offering among call center providers and allows organizations to quickly and easily reinvent their customer interaction experience for all of their customer contact methods or for a single method such as email response management,” company officials said.
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Posted by
Call Center Services
9:44 PM
Labels: Call center Agents, Virtual Call Center
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Call Center Services
10:22 PM
Labels: Call Center Outsourcing, Call Center Projects, Outsourcing Call Center Project
Posted by
Call Center Services
10:17 PM
Labels: Call Center Services, Call Center Tender, Outbound call center, Outbound Call Center Tender
Got a problem and dialing the phone is completely out of the question? You're in luck... if you live in Waterloo, Iowa, or its immediate vicinity. Starting yesterday, the 911 emergency facility there became the first call center in the country to begin accepting text messages for emergency situations -- and they'll reply via text, too, when appropriate.
While the move may seem frivolous and even foolish -- since typing a text invariably takes longer than making a voice call -- this is actually a really positive development. It's easy to imagine emergency situations where voice calls just won't work, whether the caller is unable either to speak or hear due to a medical condition or injury, or the emergency involves, say, an intruder in the house while the victim is hiding somewhere inside and doesn't want to be heard. Just hope you have a quiet keypad on your phone....
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Posted by
Call Center Services
8:32 PM
Labels: Call Center, Call Center Business, Call Center industry