Thursday, May 8, 2008

Call center firm hiring over 5,000 RP agents

New York-based business process outsourcing company Sutherland Global Services plans to double its workforce in the Philippines to over 10,000 within the year to support its foray into other markets in the region.

Craig Bauwens, country manager and vice president for service delivery, told reporters his company would hire more than 5,000 agents within the year to beef up its current workforce of 5,500.

“We intend to further expand our footprint here. The Philippines accounts for 15 percent of Sutherland’s overall business,” said Bauwens.

He said the company would hire 5,000 new agents from various cities to support plans to open new facilities in the cities of Davao, Tarlac and Iloilo.

The company is also doubling this year’s capital expenditures in line with the expansion plans. Bauwens said Sutherland invests an average of $3,500 per seat.

The official said 80 percent of the company’s market was the United States and Canada and the balance shared by Australia and Europe.

“Despite reports that a number of BPO companies in the Philippines are closing down due to the US recession, we believe the slowdown is actually helping our business,” Bauwens said.

Sutherland has BPO offices in Pampanga, Makati, Naga and Davao.

The company specializes in integrated BPO solutions across customer lifecycle and back-office lifecycle management services. It employs over 21,000 professionals offering “RightSourced” services from its 21 delivery centers in India, US, Philippines, Canada and Mexico.

Bauwens said Sutherland, once it had established a footprint in the country, would position its Philippine-based offices to attract new markets such as Southeast Asia and nearby countries.

“By integrating highly trained people with state-of-the-art technology and proven business methodologies, Sutherland in the countries will be competing head-on with other BPO giants,” Bauwens said. Elaine Ruzul S. Ramos.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

There's too many complaints from sutherland employees and applicants about Sutherland. I don't know if they can sustain their projected growth if they don't shape up.

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