Friday, March 6, 2009

Call Center Tender - Live Call Translation Services (In-Bound)

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Projects Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 30440194

Category : Call Center

Title : Live Call Translation Services (In-Bound)

Estimated Budget : Request for Proposal

Total Requirement : Approximately 50,000 Calls per Year

Description :

We are Canada based insurance organization. We are looking for experienced and qualified call center service providers for our requirement of Live Call Translation Services. Our claim divisions handles approximately 1 million calls per year through call centers of which approximately 5% of the calls are requiring interpretation services for limited English speaking customers on a 24/7, 365 days operation. Approximately 50,000 calls per year requiring Live Call Translation Services.
Scope of services:
  1. Ability for Telephone calls to be answered on average by a Telephone Interpretation Service operator within 30 seconds of a call made to your call center.
  2. Ability to provide on average a Telephone interpreter on line within 1 minute of the source language being identified.
  3. Provide dial-in telephone line language interpretation service through the use of a national 1-800 telephone number to quickly connect them with a qualified/certified interpreter via conference call.
  4. No storing of customer’s conversation and personal information for a period no longer than 30 days and only for the purpose of call quality monitoring.
  5. Interpreters perform verbal translations only with customers and will keep all information strictly confidential.
  6. Ability to provide electronic billing to an individual claim.
  7. Please provide the details of the number of common and/or diverse languages available through your service for interpretation.
Payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to send their notification form on or before Tuesday, March 10, 2009 via fax, e-mail, post, courier or hand delivered only. This tender is global. The work of location will be determined later on. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : Canada

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

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