Friday, March 20, 2009

Can call center agents battle stress?

Like other employees, call center agents also have to deal with a variety of work “stressors.” For the average call center or customer service agent, stress simply comes with the job. It is a fact of life that cannot be avoided no matter how hard one may try.

The most common type of stress a customer service agent will experience is dealing with different kinds of customers on the phone. The person answering the call from a lot of people is a customer service representative who is acting on behalf of the company one is calling. The customer service agent is usually the one who gets the brunt customer calls. The difficult part is that they need to deal with some angry customers on a daily basis, all day long. Of course, there are cheerful, polite callers but having irate callers is a given in the call center industry.

Call enter agents also face different types of crises, work with new and complicated technology and constantly monitor each call. Because the call center environment is indeed a stressful environment, which management cannot do a great deal about, call center agents should be stress tolerant.

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