Friday, April 17, 2009

Call Center Tender - Inbound & Outbound Services for a Hospital

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Projects Details:

Type :

Id : 18645911

Category : Call Center

Title : Inbound & Outbound Services for a Hospital

Estimated Budget : Request for Proposal

Total Requirement : Contract for 5 Years

Description :
We are India based on of the largest hospitals and medical institutes. We are looking to outsource our both inbound and outbound services. The call center will operate by 24/7 basis. Call volumes will be determined later. The contract will be initially for 5 years extendable for another 5 years.
Scope of services:
  1. Call center agents will handle the calls for general inquiries, patient information, admission waiting times, clinic (OPD) appointments, feedback, complaints & information.
  2. Patient billing including credit card payment processing.
  3. Provider will provide detailed reports on daily basis or as desired by us.
  4. Provider will also handle e-mail inquiries from customers.
  5. Ability to ramp up operations to handle sudden increase in call volumes in disaster situations.
  6. Provider will run survey process on daily basis by 9AM to 5PM weekdays.
  7. Administer the survey to the patient’s relatives by telephone interview.
  8. Service provider will host and maintain our website which includes information on our various patient related services.
Payment terms are negotiable. Service provider should quote consolidated and per seat rates. Interested service providers are requested to send their proposal on or before 8th May, 2009 by 12:30 PM via post, courier or hand delivered only. This tender is offsite. Provider may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings. The cost of the tender document is 500 INR only. EMD (Refundable) of 50000 INR is required. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

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Inbound Call Center Services

Call Center Outsourcing Outsourcing Services