Sunday, September 21, 2008

Call Center Tender - Student Outcomes Survey Process

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Projects Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 10986973

Category : Call Center

Title : Student Outcomes Survey Process

Estimated Budget : Request for Proposal

Total Requirement : On-Going on Annual Basis

Description :

We are Canada based educational organization. We invite interested service providers for the provision of Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing Services and Computer Assisted Web Interview Services between January 2009 and August 2009. We are looking to conduct 2 types of survey, details is given below:
  1. The 2009 Survey is a follow-up of Students who completed, or nearly completed, their study in 2008. This consists of approximately 30,000 former students.
  2. An annual Survey of former apprenticeship students. This Survey includes all former apprenticeship students who completed their apprenticeship training. This consists of approximately 3,000 former apprenticeship students.
The provider will conduct both these surveys each year. The telephone Survey is roughly 19 minutes in duration.

Scope of services:
  1. Feedback on possible modification to the survey.
  2. Conduct approximately 17,000 telephone and web interviews between January and August 2009.
  3. A final Methodological Report.
  4. Approximately 65% of calls will be placed after 5 pm Pacific Time (PT).
  5. Although the interviews will be conducted in English, other languages may be required to communicate with non-English speakers regarding the students and the surveys like Punjabi, Hindi, French, Mandarin, Korean, Taiwanese, Farsi etc..
We will provide contact data files that contain one or two phone numbers for most of the former students. Payment terms are negotiable. Interested providers are requested to send their best proposal on or before 2:00 PM Pacific Time on: October 16, 2008. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : Canada

Status : Closed

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